As a senior writer for the Cadillac CRM line of business, I work on a variety of projects designed to engage prospects and convert them into loyal customers.
XT4 Interactive digital brochure
When our global Cadillac clients needed a digital brochure for the 2020 XT4 in record time, we turned to Adobe Online Publishing. It let us build an interactive digital brochure so Cadillac dealerships could text or email a live link to customers on the spot without having to rely on printing, shipping or distributing print communications. Adobe Online Publishing offers the accessible, interactive features of a webpage, but without the need to build in time for programming/development.
See it in action at:
Innovation conquest Direct Mail
Designed to catch the eye and stand out against a sea of direct mail, the Innovation Conquest project was targeted at competitor customers to get them to include Cadillac in their consideration set.
Our concept can be summed up as “Turn the page to a future like never before.” With gloss finish text and a satisfying card stock gauge, we took a dynamic editorial approach to design that moves the eye across the page paired with bold copy that teases what’s next.
Hand-raiser Email Series
Newly awarded with this project, our team saw an opportunity to overhaul how we engage with those customers who have expressed interest in learning about a particular vehicle in the lineup. We broke our emails into a phased approach centered around the customer’s buyer stage—Intro, Learn, Shop and Buy—and targeted our content specifically to match how ready they are to make a purchase.